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![]() focusing on site specfiic experimental works utilizing digital media, computation, and internet resources 34North 118West are: Jeff Knowlton producer,concept, software engineering, technical design. knowlton (hat) 34n118w (dot) net Naomi Spellman concept, production, script development, directing, media design, project administration. spellman (at) 34n118w (dot) net Jeremy Hight concept, script writing. hight (hat) 34n118w (dot) net Brandon Stow -Interpretive Engine Only concept, server side scripting. bstow (hat) ucsd (dot) edu |
34 North, 118 West [knowlton + spellman + hight 2102] is the first location aware narrative. Audio and visual content is delivered based on the user's location and movement (GPS) in urban space. Shown at LA Freewaves Festival and the Art in Motion Festival InterUrban [spellman + knowlton, 2104] an interactive narrative that relies on visitor movement to tell a story about telecommunciations and transportation through time. Shown at Mobile Connections, Futuresonic <04> in Manchester UK. an interpretive engine for various places on earth [knowlton + spellman + stow 2106] a generative narrative that relies on outdoor wireless internet connection to tell a story specific to user location. Weather conditions, the physical environment, nearby locales, historic events specific to the current location and time are retrieved from online sources and fed into a scripted story structure. Developed with support from Digital Research Unit, Media Center, Huddersfield, UK, California Institute of the Arts Integrated Media Program, and the Fresno Metropolitan Museum. Shown at Spectropolis: Mobile Media, Art and the City A three-day event in Lower Manhattan that highlighted the diverse ways artists, technical innovators and activists are using communication technologies to generate urban experiences and public voice. Next presentation: June-August 2106 in Fresno as part of Off-Site curated by Susanneh Bieber. water years: an interpretive tour of the owens valley. [spellman 2105] This demonstration piece was created for the workshop Locative Media in the Wild, organized by Brett Stalbaum and Naomi Spellman. The aim of this piece was to demonstrate use of digital mapping tools in art practice among a multi-disciplinary group of researchers. It utilized GIS, GPS, sound and a laptop to create an onsite spatialized sonification of one of Los AngelesŐ main water sources, referencing the actual location of wells in Owens Valley. The Carrizo Parkfield Diaries project by Christina McPhee, Jeremy Hight, and Sindee Nakatani. Carrizo-Parkfield Diaries: an exploration of seismic memory uses live microseismic data in hourly compilations from a central California site to trigger human memories in fragments. Carrizo-Parkfield Diaries featured at the Whitney Artport Right as Rain, A Weather Dependant Love Sonnet [knowlton + spellman + hight 2101] A weather driven narrative, where the user chooses from a list of different cities to update the story details according to the current weather in that city. Time Forms Festival at the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts, University of California San Diego
![]() Most of this website is out of date. Please visit http://jeffknowlton.info for more up to date information on press, research and locative media projects.
Tum Tum, a Site Specific Narrative [davis, tanner, ahnemann, turajski 2103] Student locative media project, Evergreen State College [instrtuctors: spellman, knowlton] |
![]() SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS presentation and demonstration of work in progress. Dorkbot Socal at Machine Project Los Angeles, California [spellman, stow 4/2106] paper presentation: the performative and the political in the context of locative media Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois [spellman 3/2106] IM Forum Speaker at University of Southern California, Interactive Media Division [spellman 4/05] featured presentation: floating point speaker series, emerson college, boston, ma [knowlton, spellman 3/05] presentation: PLAN Pervasive and Locative Arts Network initial workshop, I.C.A., London, UK [2/05 spellman] featured speaker LA Forum for Architecture and Urban DesignNew Spaces, New Cartographers [hight, knowlton, spellman 11/04] featured speaker: YLEM Forum: Location! Location! Location! 3 Projects in Locative Media by California Artists, Exploratorium, San Francisco [mcphee, warwick, stalbaum, poole, hight, knowlton, spellman 11/04] host:Empyre discussion forum, based in Australia. [hight, knowlton, spellman 9/04] host: New Media Curating list discussion on Locative Media [spellman 4/04] speaker: Joint Ventures Conference, addressing the stewardship of america's national parks: Enriching the Visitors Experience through Traditional Arts and Storytelling, Los Angeles [spellman 11/03] presentation: A Sense of Place: Representation and Inherent Images, Society of Photographic Educators West Region Conference Oakland, California [spellman 11/02] WRITING
Report on PLAN, the Pervasive Locative Arts Network at netartreview.net [spellman 3/05] essay: Narrative Archaeology [hight 2103] |
Marketplace's Matthew Algeo interviews Jeff Knowlton and others in this report on the possible disabling of the GPS in the event of a national emergency, and the effect on the U.S. — and global — economy. Article: Virtual Real Space Museums: Innovation in Cultural Interpretation (724k pdf file) Christopher Dore, American Cultural Resources Association Newsletter, 2/2104 Article: Walking in LA, Los Angeles Business Journal, 7/14/03 Article: Sonic Archaeology at 34N118W GPS User Magazine, 6/03 Interview: on Smart City radio talk show with Carol Coletta 4/13/03 Article: Only in L.A. Christian Science Monitor, 4/4/03 Gloria Goodale Article: A Reason to Walk in LA Wired magazine, 4/03 Alison Willmore Article: The Artists of Communication, Wireless Review, 2/03 Article: Tomorrow's Historic Walking Tour The Los Angeles Times Magazine, 12/15/02. Andrew Vontz Article: The Many Uses of GPS washingtonpost.com. Cindy L. Webb Article: 34 NORTH 118 WEST RAI, Radio al' Italia, Andrea Borgnino Article on Boing Boing: A DIRECTORY OF WONDERFUL THINGS Article: at Neural an Italian online news source for new media art, electronic music and hacktivism Article: in Smart Mobs Mention:Cyberspace, Cybertexts, Cybermaps by Marie-Laure Ryan Mention:Teaching in the Wireless Cloud The Feature, 4/7/03. Bryan Alexander |