(Cross-listed with ICAM 102)

Spring 2006

Professor: Jeff Knowlton
e-mail: eeeeeee(-#-)
Please include "ICAM 102" in your subject line, so you don't get deleted.
phone: 661-555-1212 (but Skype is better)
Skype name:xxxxxxxxxx
Office Hours: Thurday, 11:00 - 12:00 PM
(e-mailing ahead is a good idea.)

This document resides at

Teaching Assistants: Yes there should be.

Monday 5:00 - 6:50 PM

Lab - one of the two sections:
All lab sections meet in VAF 228

Text: Texts will be available online and in print form. There are both required and optional readings for the course. You will want to purchase a Director/Lingo book such as "Macromedia Director MX 2004 Bible" or "Macromedia Director MX and Lingo: Training from the Source". We will look at a variety of media, including traditional and digital work, throughout the class.

Prerequisites: VIS 40 and 140. NOTE: Materials fee required


Readings, class participation, projects, a short final paper.
When a reading is due, please come to class with at least three questions/arguments you'd like to pose about each reading.

Grading is based on:

1) Attendance + participation - 20%

2) Projects:

#1 - 20%
#2 - 30%

Each project will include both a short written project proposal and the project itself. The project proposal is to be completer before work on the project is begun. It is a starting point that can be departed from, but will include:
The Premise - one paragraph on why I am interested in the project
The Synopsis - a two paragraph summary of the project
Treatment - blow by blow of some of the highlights and what it looks like

3) Your final paper, which will be based on readings and class discussions - 30%

You are permitted one unexcused absence from a lecture and one from a lab.
Beyond that, you are required to provide a doctor's note or other acceptable written excuse.
If you don't provide such documentation, your grade will be reduced.
Your projects must be turned in on time. A late project will result in grade reduction by one letter grade for that project.
Projects and papers should be emailed to as well as your TA and presented in class.

Back up numbered versions of your work! Lost data is not an excuse for missing work.

Standard Content Disclaimer:
Some of the material we will cover may push some boundaries. Art is supposed to do that. If you feel that your boundaries have been breached, try to stick it out and see where things are going. If you need to leave the room, please write a one page paper explaining your reaction to the material.

Course Outline:

This class will advance the concept of computer, internet and computation as medium rather than computer or software as tool or playback and delivery system. We will examine traditional and digital work.

Note - The syllabus is just a trajectory and always up for change. Some elements will mesh together better than others. Yeah I know it needs to be filled out.



Wks. 1 (1/09) The Medium is the Medium (and class intro)
How does technology effect our lives? What is art?

Reading from class (week 1)
Sonnet XVIII Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
As We May Think Vannevar Bush, The Atlantic Monthly, July 1945
The Curse of Xanadu Wired Issue 3.06 | Jun 1995
The Man Who Invented the Web - Part 2

Reading (due in section for week 2): " Look Who's Talking" Wired Issue 7.01 | Jan 1999

Some other stuff:)

Tech: Director, some basic Lingo.

Wk 2 (1/16) HyperText & Completion vs. Clicking

We will examin Mark Amerika, Eric Loyer Lair of the Marrow Monkey & Chroma and others.
Reading (due this class): " Look Who's Talking" Wired Issue 7.01 | Jan 1999. Be prepared to talk about the reading.

Wk 3 (1/23) Conventions
Directions are good. Helping the user out is good isn't it? Who are your users? Who is beta testing your work?
Everyone is required to bring in a list of no less than 7 usability conventions to class. Its part of the participation grade.

Reading (due class 4): Social Networks, Class, Visualization and Change - Josh On

In sections Proposal for projects.

Wk 4 (1/30)Networks, Systems and Structures
Notation systems, Structure of information
Anthony Braxton, Sol Lewitt, Josh On & Future Farmers

Reading (due this class): Social Networks, Class, Visualization and Change - Josh On

Josh On : They Rule
IXI Software : Various sound software projects
Sol Lewitt : Wall Drawing at SFMOMA, GuggenHeim Arts Curriculum

John Klima : Ecosystm
Karl Sims : Galapagos , Evolved Virtual Creatures
Anthony Braxton : 1 , 2, 3 , 4, Notice the sweater

Work on your project in Section. Reading will be handed out for the next weeks lecture. 

Wk 5 (2/06) Signifier-Signified. -- This will probably change. Yeah you can count on that.
Allegory, Metaphor & Semiotics

Presentation of a few projects in class.

Wk 6 (2/13) Visualization
Something will happen this week, but your guess is as good as mine.

Flickr Tag Graph: Sunsets by time
Flickr Tag Graph: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Gnom -nice stuff here
Organic HTML
proyecto Quiasma
information aesthetics
coterie chat visualisation
Yahoo versus Google
Social Circles

Josh On : They Rule,
Ben Fry : Valence, Anemone
W. Bradford Paley : TextArc, TextArc Overview PDF
Mark Napier Riot
I/O/D : WebStalker (download .zip file)
Maciej Wisniewski : Netomat

Some nice Images:
Boxes and dots
Weather Viz
Kaleidoscopic Visualization
Scroll down to the maps

Wk 7 (2/20) Mapping.
Locative media, Cartography and so on.......
Robert Smithson, John Klima, Blast Theory, Pete Gomes, Lisolette Brunberg, Jeff Knowlton, Annina Ruest and many others


Wk 8 (2/27) Interactivity.
We will discuss your project proposals in class. Any time remaining after the your proposal presentations will be spent on the interactivity lecture

Final Paper due:
a short (minimum 3 pages) paper will be due, incorporating class readings and discussions with original thought processes.


Wk 9 (3/06): This week to be negotiated depending on what you need to complete your projects.


Wk 10 (3/13):
Final Projects due.

Plan ahea
d. Don't think that you will get the help you need to start your project in the last week. You shouldn't be in the middle of your project either. This is the time to be handing things in. OK. Done. Finished. Fini. No one will be sympathetic to lost data, so back up.


Looking for Director/Lingo References?
- Check the online Director Help/Lingo Dictionary within Director itself - i.e. the Help Menu.
- Director Support Center
- Director Forums
- Macromedia's index to Director Xtras is here.
  Many Xtras are free or cheap. Also, a lot of the authors will donate Xtras to you or give them to you very cheap
  if you contact them and let them know it's for a noncommercial student project.
- or just... Google for your question.

My Director Links


